The Resolution Network

It’s not uncommon when you start off in business, that you don’t 100% know how things are going to go. To keep your costs low, you might decide to make do with whatever support you can get – you know what I mean, a brother in law who is kinda arty develops your logo, your mum does your books. Well, this is how we started off.


Fast forward 5 years and we had enough runs on the board to feel pretty confident we had a viable business – so we decided it was time to get a bit more serious with the financial side of things.


We wanted to be able to make decisions based on solid numbers rather than a gut feeling. We wanted to have a business that was aligned to our personal values and lifestyle, rather than just doing work to make a dollar. And we wanted to have confidence that the decisions we were making today would set us up to be able to have more choice in the future.


We interviewed a couple of local accounting and business consultants and chose the team at BNM – and we believe it’s one of the best business decisions we’ve made.


Not only do we get solid advice relating to our accounts, our accounting systems and tax – they listen to us, they respectfully challenge us and they encourage us to stay true to our vision for our business.


In short, they are a vital partner in our business success and we give them an 11/10.

— Megan Lewis | Director, The Resolution Network Taree NSW

Ben Quiring